About The Caribbean Postal Union (CPU)

Mission Statement

To improve the response to customers’ requirements for postal facilities of all kinds;

To facilitate the improvement and security of postal services;

To co-ordinate postal training arrangements and postal operational services;

To promote international postal co-operation in the spirit and observance of the Acts of the Universal Postal Union.

History of the Caribbean Postal Union (CPU)

The idea of setting up a Restricted Postal Union seems to date back to 1969, to the 5th Conference of the Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Caribbean countries and territories. But the idea took shape in 1977 and was repeatedly discussed at meetings arranged by the UPU in the sub-region. Subsequent UPU sponsored meetings of Postmasters General were held in (1977), Jamaica (1979), Antigua (1986), Georgetown (1988), Bahamas (1994) and St. Lucia (1997). At these meetings regional postal issues were being addressed, as well as the need to set up a restricted union. The Postmasters-General stressed, for instance at the meetings in Antigua (1986) and Georgetown (1988) on the urgent need to set up this Union.

At Government Level a financial agreement was signed in 1997, for technical assistance under the Lome IV Convention: “Establishment of a Caribbean Postal Union. Georgetown (1988) on the urgent need to set up this Union.

Prior to the signing of the agreement however, technical preparation by CARIFORUM for the project had become a financial issue. In those days, a number of objections were delaying the creation of the CPU, particularly the level of financial input from the EU was a focal point. The initial thoughts were that the initial operations of the Union would be part of the project funding but the cost of the project was considered to be too high by some, and eventually EU policy shifted from full support to technical assistance.

Establishment of CPU

When Postmasters General met in St. Lucia in September 1997, the mood and the stage was set to launch the CPU. The financing agreement paved the way for the establishment  of the CPU. 

Fifteen Caribbean Postal Administrations signed the CPU Convention and Protocols, making CPU operational.
This number surpassed the criteria of one third of eligible members for signing and ratification as indicated in article 16 of the Convention and certifies its’ entry into force. 

The Terms of Reference of CPU

The Financial Agreement states this overall objective for the CPU:
“Improve postal services and revenues in the Caribbean region”.
Article 1.2 of the Convention however, details the following purpose of the CPU:

  • Improve the response to customers’ requirements for postal facilities of all kinds;

  • To facilitate the improvement and security of postal services;

  • Co-ordinate postal training arrangements and postal operational services;

  • Promote international postal co-operation in the spirit and observance of the Acts of the Universal Postal Union.

CPU Office Location

Founding Documents